Careers Guidance Committee

Guidance in further studies and future careers

We aim to help students further their studies according to their interests and choose their careers to meet their aspirations. Through visits, talks, exhibitions and dissemination of information, we familiarize students with the curricula of tertiary institutes and the opportunities in the world of work. We provide guidance in curriculum choices, training in interview skills, and assistance in the admission application for tertiary institutes. Our jobs also include nominating students for various scholarships and outstanding students’ awards.

Mock interviews

We invite alumni studying in different universities to conduct mock interviews so as to share their experience and provide students training in interview techniques.

Mock release of public examination results

Two days prior to the release of public examination results, a mock-up is arranged for candidates to experience various scenarios and to remind them of the preparations needed for quick decision making on the big day.

Please view the CZM Careers Guidance Webpage

Application for school documents (please click to download the application form)

For details, please refer to the Chinese version of the webpage.